
am I right, that setting Beam.gap-count is the way to turn this style of
tremolos on?

Why is it the number of gaps and not the number of beams connected to
the stems that can be set? For different note durations, wouldn't it be
more consistent to set that? I mean, isn't the style that usually either
that one beam is connected and the others have a gap or all are
disconnected. But with gap-count I have to set the gap-count for each
duration of a single tremolo note separately.

Or am I missing something?

\version "2.19.80"

  \override Beam.gap-count = 2
  \repeat tremolo 8 { a32 a' }
  <>^"  !"
  \repeat tremolo 4 { a16 a' }
  \override Beam.gap-count = 1
  \repeat tremolo 4 { a16 a' }


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