Hi all,

So I'm working on a score at the moment and have run into two challenges:

1. Does anybody have an idea how to insert large, cross-staff square braces
(effectively parenthesizing the entire staff) as in the link below? I have
no idea how to even start.


2. I would like to parenthesize a couple of two-note chords in the tenor
part. Has anybody come up with a decent way to put parentheses around
entire chords yet? I've rummaged around the old threads but can't really
find anything that fits the bill.

The below example shows the two chords I need; the solution to the second
one kind of works because the chord has a middle note that can be
parenthesized and made invisible (and I assume the dot as well, although I
haven't figured that out yet), then the parenthesis enlarged to span the
entire chord. But the chord before it doesn't, and I can't figure out a way
to either move or centre the parentheses:

\version "2.19.65"

\relative c' { \override ParenthesesItem.font-size = #3
\key es \major
<f  as> < bes \hide \parenthesize g es>2.

I would be grateful for any help.

Thanks and regards,

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