At the end of this mail I have included the ly source of the first two measures of Fauré's Cantique de Jean Racine as I have written them in lilypond version 2.2.0

As a test I ran lilypond to see what it would look like... there are two things that I see that I would really love to change:
- the slur at the end of the first measure is now above the notes, but below them would look much better! Can I move this slur?
- the second measure... I had expected something entirely different:
- the first note with a beam up, the second with a beam down and the "bar" (what would be the right term in english?) in between...
- the slur down but higher up

anyone with some good ideas? I still use Lilypond 2.2.0, and am upgrading my machine so I can use 2.4.x... is this a thing that was fixed later?

---- lilypond code ----

\version "2.2.0"

       texidoc = "Cantique de Jean Racine"
       title = "Canqique de Jean Racine"
       composer= "Gabriel Faure"

r1 r1 r1 r1
r1 r1 r1 r1
r1 r1 r1 r1
r1 r1 r1 r1
\times 2/3 {r8 \p c8 ( des8 f8 c8 des8 ) \change Staff=down aes8 ( \change Staff=up c8 des8 f8 c8 des8 ) } % measure 1
<< aes'2 \\ { \times 2/3 { \change Staff=down aes,8 ( \change Staff=up c des } \times 2/3 { f des \change Staff=down aes ) \change Staff=up } } >> << ges'2 \\ \times 2/3 { r8 b, ( c es c aes ) } >> % measure 2, my... does it look ugly!

       <<des,1 \p des,1>>  << f2 f,2 >> <<aes'2 aes,2>>

       \context StaffGroup
               \context Voice=Sopranos
                       \relative c'
                               \key des \major \clef violin
               \context Voice=Contraltos
                       \relative c'
                               \key des \major \clef violin
               \context Voice=Tenors
                       \relative c'
                               \key des \major \clef violin
               \context Voice=Basses
                       \relative c,
                               \key des \major \clef bass
               \context PianoStaff
                       \context Staff = "up"
                               \new Voice \relative c'
                                       \key des \major \clef violin
                       \context Staff = "down"
                               \relative c'
                                       \key des \major \clef bass

       \midi { \tempo 4 = 80 }
       \paper {}

---- end lilypond code ----

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