On 2018-05-27 01:07, Peter Horan wrote:
I have previously used Lilypond on an older machine using Vista.

This machine is new, running Windows 10.

After installation, dropping test.ly onto the Lilypond short cut
creates a test.log file but no pdf file as expected.  It looks as
though Lilypond is silently quitting before drawing everything.

Hi Peter,

Which version of LilyPond did you install? Also, if you run "winver", what exact build of the OS are you using?

The closest similar behavior I have seen to this is when I am trying to regenerate a PDF but that PDF is currently open in another program. Then due to a sharing violation, LilyPond is unable to write to the file. However, in your case, you are never getting a PDF at all, but that could still imply the target folder might be an invalid destination.

NOTE: I never use drag-and-drop method as you mentioned. LilyPond installs a default shell command for .ly files, so you can either just double-click them or right-click and select "Generate". There shouldn't really be any major difference in behavior here, but I thought I would mention this for completeness.

If you want to debug further, I might suggest running Process Monitor [1] from Sysinternals. It will capture a lot of data, but you can filter it down to just the relevant file I/O. Most importantly, what you are looking for is to see if LilyPond (or one of its child processes) is actually attempting to open a PDF for write, and if so what error may have occurred.

[1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon

-- Aaron Hill

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