
> Well, I don't have any experience with gdb, so I wouldn't know what to
> do. The strange thing seems to be that, if the score is engraved using
> Frescobaldi's verbose output ( which has a separate engrave button ),
> the error doesn't happen.

That's not unusual for such garbage collection errors: triggering them
requires a garbage collection occuring at an inopportune point of time
and the time depends on how much memory is being temporarily used.  With
verbose output, more memory is churned through because of the storage
the formatting of the verbose output requires, and thus garbage
collection happens at different points of time than without verbose

That makes these kind of error annoyingly hard to track down: they
vanish and reappear with completely unrelated changes in usage and the
actual error message is triggered at a time far from the problem.

David Kastrup

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