As has already been pointed out, Steve's reply was nonsens, since
you are using a prebuilt package that should work out of the box.
First of all, Riky seems to have been hit by the strange bug that
gives version 2.2 as the default version the first time you run
setup.exe but the intended version 2.4 as the default if you rerun
setup.exe. Actually, rerunning setup.exe should hopefully solve the
problems for both of you. In Lukas' case, it might be necessary to
choose "reinstall" or if that's not available (don't remember) to
run setup.exe twice, first uninstalling the lilypond package and
then installing it again.


Quoting Lukas Giesinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello co-users,
> Riky VDB wrote:
> >I've been trying to run the test file of lilypond 2.2. It has generated an
> error.
> >It seems feta20.afm was not installed properly. However, I've found
> 'feta20.afm' in foliowing directory :
> >C:\cygwin\usr\share\lilypond\2.4.2\fonts
> Exactly the same problem here, on Windows ME.
> Also, the installation process stopped at 98% of the setup. The progress
> dialog read:
> "Running...
> No package
> /etc/postinstall/"
> However, after I manually cancelled the setup I got a "setup complete"
> message.
> Another question: For a Windows installation, do I need to manually install
> the ec*-fonts? On the download site it says I need to but I couldn't figure
> out what ec* files to choose or how to install them on Windows.
> Any suggestion on how to get the prog running?
> Thanks in advance!
> Lukas

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