On Fri, 2018-06-15 at 19:36 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> On 15.06.2018 19:08, David Sumbler wrote:
> > 
> > In a piece which is in 21/8 time (7 dotted crotchets) I find that
> > LilyPond sets whole-bar rests as breve rests.  I should like them
> > to
> > appear as semibreve rests, as they would if the bars were shorter.
> > 
> > I have tried modifying the stencil using the method shown in
> > NR5.5.3.
> >   But as it stands this is not successful, because the rest symbol
> > is
> > now attached to the preceding barline instead of appearing in the
> > middle of the bar.
> > 
> > How can I get semibreve rest symbols in the correct position,
> > rather
> > than breve rests?
> \version "2.19.80"
> {
>    \time 21/8
>    R8*21
>    \override MultiMeasureRest.usable-duration-logs = #'(0)
>    R
> }

Thank you very much for that.

I had seen the usable-duration-log variable in the Internals Reference,
and its default value of '(-3 -2 -1 0) .  But I have no idea what these
values represent.  Can you enlighten me?


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