Richard Shann <> writes:

> In 18th c. mss and prints it is quite common to create line breaks
> during bars - I've found this much improves the legibility of some
> florid slow movements.
> However, it seems that the available accidental styles only take
> account of barlines and ignore line breaks, which is not very
> practical, since the brain, seeing a start of line with key signature
> and a note following without any accidental, will naturally play the
> note according to the key signature, not holding over any accidental
> from earlier in the bar on the previous line.
> I don't know if this is covered in Gould, but it would be nice if
> LilyPond could handle this.

LilyPond's accidental styles are not sufficiently married with the line
breaking decisions to allow for this.  In fact, LilyPond already has
problems with treating ties over line breaks at barlines: it does repeat
the accidental after the line break in that case but then fails to omit
it for any following occurence of it (there is some issue for that).
The basic accidental style mechanism does not actually include line
breaks: this particular case is already handled as an (incomplete) hack

David Kastrup

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