On Mon 25 Jun 2018 at 12:34:13 (-0700), Torsten Hämmerle wrote:
> Ok, when looking at the XML data, I'll have to admit that Finale, Musescore
> and Sibelius (just tested it) are closer to the XML reality, whereas
> LilyPond fills in missing parts.

I'd agree, and would say that the XML is simply malformed, so the
musicxml2ly program is trying to correct it. AFAICT the output is
consistent with prioritising the earliest elements encountered in
the source, ie the volta brackets.

> Import into Sibelius:
> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/t3887/sibelius-xml-repeat.png> 
> But I think there's a 
>         <repeat direction="backward"/>
> missing in the XML file at the end of measure 2 (within <barline…>)
> If you insert this, the missing repeat barline between the volta brackets
> will even show up in Finale/Sibelius/MuseScore. ;)

But if you insert a :| at the end of bar 2, then the bar sequence
played becomes 1 2 1 3 1 4, so bar 4 still needs an open-ended
volta |¯¯ marked with 3 for third time (open-ended, assuming that
the single bar 4 is a placeholder for a passage of music).


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