On 6/26/2018 4:15 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Ben <soundsfromso...@gmail.com> writes:

Hello everyone,

I'm learning very quickly just how incredibly powerful the tags system
can be, but today my brain just can't get past one hurdle.

I am hoping someone can help me to grasp this: suppose I would like to
setup a tag template (for my visualizing and learning) so I can add
some markup to one note in an instrument's part, but have it not show
in the full score. I understand how to include things like overrides
and such in a tag area:


\tag #'partonlytag { \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.staff-padding = #8 }


but how does this work when the tagged content is something like
markup, which applies *directly* to a note in the stream? I can't
attach the markup tag content without errors,
Not?  Why not?

Something like

{ c'1-\tag partonlytag -"hi!" }

should work fine.


Wow. That went right over my head the first time. I was trying to force everything to always be contained within a separate "{     }" with my tagged content. I really didn't even think about the option of simply writing the tag and then right into the markup. This is awesome. No clue how I missed that.

However, then what would be the best way in this example to have multiple different markup 'choices' inline, so I can decide which tagged markup to use in future score blocks?


\version "2.19.81"

flute = \new Staff \relative c'
{ c1 d e f c'-\tag partonlytag ^ \markup {\raise #2 \tiny \italic "my markup" }    }

cello = \new Staff \relative c,
{ \clef bass c1 c c c }

\score {
  % this has the markup from the partonlytag
  << \flute
  \layout {}


\score {
  % this does not have the markup from the partonlytag
  \removeWithTag #'partonlytag
  << \flute

  \layout {}


Suppose I'd like to have several different "my markups" texts to pick from inline via tags, how would this be possible then if you use your approach? I can't see that...

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