
On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 2:39 AM, Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

[And please allow me a plug: you may find rewarding to have a look at
https://scheme-book.ursliska.de, which is far from complete but aims at
giving a slow-paced and detailed introduction specifically from a LilyPond

> ​This is what I have been looking for.   Is there a PDF?    ​
> No, and currently my (Gitbook) build system is broken, so I can't even
> upload updates. But the content is available in a bunch of Markdown files,
> and I'd be ready to move on to a new system, possibly Pandoc-based. If
> someone has a good suggestion for a tool/set-up to create PDF documents and
> HTML sites from Markdown content (with LilyPond syntax highlighting and
> inclusion of LilyPond scores) I'd be glad to look into it.
> ​

That would be nice, wish I could help!​

> ​Check your ​URL in this:
> Last part of https://scheme-book.ursliska.de/scheme/expressions.html
> "You can and should for now ignore everything you don't know about that
> (we'll soon cover it in the chapter about variable binding
> <https://scheme-book.ursliska.de/scheme/binding.html>) but simply realize
> that within that “mess” we have inserted ..."
> Well, like with Wiki systems you can enter links to pages that don't exist
> yet. So that's simply part of the incompleteness of the "book", and I can't
> do anything about it right now.
​The URL *does exist* if you remove .html it should works fine​


Thank you, ƒg​

> Best
> Urs
> ​Thank you, ƒg
> ​
> Best
> Urs
> ​Thank you,
> ƒg​
>> ​​
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