This is brilliant!

Thanks to all for the various solutions!

> On 7. Jul 2018, at 16:18, Pierre Perol-Schneider 
> <> wrote:
> But of course !! Thanks very much Orm !
> Cheers,
> Pierre
> 2018-07-07 16:15 GMT+02:00 Orm Finnendahl 
> <>:
> Hi Pierre,
> Am Samstag, den 07. Juli 2018 um 15:54:41 Uhr (+0200) schrieb Pierre
> Perol-Schneider:
> > Plus : any idea why 'testTwo does not work ?
>  because the argument type of "arg" was string?. Below is the updated
> version:
> --
> Orm
> %circled-pattern
> #(define-markup-command
>   (circled-pattern layout props radius angle num arg)
>   (number? number? number? markup?)
>   (interpret-markup layout props
>    (let ((rep (abs num)))
>     (cond
>      ((= num 0) (markup ""))
>      ((= num 1) (markup arg))
>      (#t (markup
>           (#:combine
>            (#:null)
>            (fold
>             (lambda (i prev)
>              (markup
>               (#:combine
>                (#:rotate
>                 (* i (/ angle rep))
>                 (#:concat (#:null #:hspace radius arg)))
>                prev)))
>             (markup (#:null))
>             (iota (1+ rep))))))))))
> testOne = \markup "."
> testTwo = \markup { \rotate #45 "!" }
> \markup\circled-pattern #5 #180 #15 \testOne
> \markup\circled-pattern #5 #-180 #15 \testOne
> \markup\circled-pattern #5 #180 #2 \testOne
> \markup\circled-pattern #5 #180 #1 \testOne
> \markup\circled-pattern #5 #180 #0 \testOne
> \markup\circled-pattern #5 #360 #5 \testTwo
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