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Am 13.07.2018 um 17:31 schrieb Urs Liska:


I noticed that over time openLilyLib pops up more and more on the lists, but mostly as a sort of dubious secret toolkit which only a few illuminati know about and whose purpose and potential isn't obvious to everyone else.

In recent weeks (as you'll have noticed) I had the wonderful opportunity to work on it on a partially paid basis: I had to implement some functionality and was in essence paid to work on that for 7x8 hours. What had to be created amounted to "half" an openLilyLib package, so I decided to aim at the whole thing, working of course more than these seven full days but also achieving substantially more. But maybe most important is that I managed to write comprehensive manuals along the way. They are authored in Markdown (which is good) but so far only work in a Markdown=>Pandoc=>LuaLaTeX=>PDF chain (which is less good because it should also be possible to produce HTML sites). But they do exist, and if the list rules allow you will see them attached to this post.

I would like to take this as an opportunity to "announce" openLilyLib and open it up for a more broad testing. Jan-Peter's comment made me realize that it's high time to do so since as far as I know anybody who has plunged into using it wouldn't want to live without anymore, and so it should finally become somewhat more public - also hoping to get some more contributions back in return with the goal of moving towards something that can actually be "released".

What "is" openLilyLib?

openLilyLib serves two independent goals: On the one hand it is a platform for providing "packages" that extend LilyPond's functionality by specific purposes (e.g. "managing breaks", "grid-based approach to managing music", "comtemporary wind notation" (fictional) or similar). On the other hand it provides numerous little building-blocks that can be used to modularize the development of advanced functionality. Which is basically a side-effect of the first goal.

How is it structured?

openLilyLib is a collection of repositories maintained on Github, but anyone could also keep private repositories as openLilyLib packages. The core package is oll-core ( that provides the technical infrastructure. Some information on how to install oll-core and other packages can be found temporarily on the Wiki page One of the next tasks will be to also write an oll-core manual, but I had to decide to do other things first.

What new stuff is now available?

I have worked on four modules (a package may contain modules with more specific functionality):

  * stylesheets.span
    \tagSpan, a function to tag music "as something" and providing an
    interface to styling the music
  * scholarly.editorial-markup
    \editorialMarkup, a wrapper around \tagSpan, specifically designed
    for use in scholarly editions, modeled after parts of MEI
  * scholarly.choice
    \choice, giving the possibility to encode alternative versions of
    some music, annotating it and choosing the music to be engraved
  * scholarly.annotate
    This has been around for some years now and can be used for
    maintaining a critical commentary directly within and musically
    linked to the score document. The code has been thoroughly
    reviewed and integrated with the above three modules.
    I have also newly created a (Lua)LaTeX package that is fine-tuned
    to typeset critical reports from annotate's output. But this is
    *completely* undocumented so far and wouldn't lend itself to being
    reviewed right now. But anyone interested may have a look at as well.

I would love to get some feedback based on the manuals and on the code. All the examples in the manuals are directly linked from example files in the repositories.

How to get them? As described on the Wiki page one needs the repositories of oll-core, stylesheets and scholarly within a common root directory and add that to LilyPond's include path.

The repositories are at, and People who can clone these with Git should checkout the v0.6.0 branch for scholarly, people who want to *download* should do so from exactly this page: (the gree button in the upper right area of the screen).


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