On 18.07.2018 09:22, Menu Jacques wrote:
Thanks Simon!

Is the example realistic, with ligatures both above and below the staff?
I didn’t find any way to obtain ligatures below the staff in the docs.

Maybe there was always one voice only per staff at the time?

At the time certainly so, and it’s very atypical for modern editions to put more than one voice in a staff, since they are usually very independent rhythmically and often share large parts of their range. However, it’s not unheard of and there are valid usecases, e.g. for short examples inside a text document – and there’s no problem doing that in LilyPond with either a specific LigatureBracket.direction override or, better, a \voiceTwo command.

Best, Simon


Le 18 juil. 2018 à 03:15, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de> a écrit :

On 18.07.2018 02:41, Menu Jacques wrote:
Text spanners can be used in LP to obtain that, but what is their name in music 
in general?
They’re ligature brackets, used in modern editions to show that the mensural 
original used a ligature for these notes.
Using text spanners would therefore be not quite correct; the LilyPond 
equivalent is
{ \[ c1 d \] }
Note that this is the only spanner or item in general that unfortunately still 
uses infix syntax instead of the usual postfix syntax.

Best, Simon

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