I'm trying to experiment with different accidental styles. So far, I just
want to understand how do I customize them, I installed a new instance of
lilypond 2.19.82 and tried to tinker with the music-functions.scm file
located by default at lilypond/current/scm/

As far as I understand, accidental styles are set in the definition of
accidental-styles (line 1769 of the current version). In this definition,
there is an alist containing each of the accidental styles. The first thing
I tried to do is to change the definition of the "default" style to:

(default #t
              (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave #t)) ;normally it
would be 0 instead of #t

This would, in principle, change the default behaviour to the same as
"no-reset" style, but when I try to compile a simple music file, say:

\version "2.19.82"

test = \relative c' {
    cis d e d |
    cis d e d

\new Staff \with {
%  \accidentalStyle default %I tried with and without this line

I see no effect. I thought that lilypond read the definitions in
music-functions.scm every time I ran it. Am I wrong?

My end goal is to create a couple of accidental styles that reflect rules
I've being usoing in some engravings for contemporary music:
- for music that has bar lines:
-- show the accident for each note, except when immediately repeated (like
-- cancel accidentals no matter how many measures after and (perhaps) no
matter in what octave (i have to experiment with this last one to see if
it's really necessary)
- for music without bar lines:
-- same rules for note cancellation as the last one, but showing
accidentals for each note, even the repeated ones (like forget)

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