Hi List,

for "reasons" I have a passage that should have blank staves with no
barlines, rests, clefs, etc. However, at the start of the section is an
expressive mark, which should itself have a footnote. What I have thus far
is as follows:

\version "2.19.80"

\relative c {
  \time 2/4
  \hideNotes \omit Staff.TimeSignature | es'''2^\markup { "un poco"
\auto-footnote "misterioso" "Das Cello erzählt eine Geschichte ganz
unabhängig von den anderen Stimmen" } | \omit Staff.BarLine \repeat unfold
19 { es2 } \undo \omit Staff.BarLine \unHideNotes \undo \omit


This gets the invisible-measure bit, and the expressive mark, but the
footnote is not appearing. Is there some instruction I need to give for the
footnote marks and text to appear? Or is my syntax wrong?

Thanks for the help!

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