Dear community,
I have a problem with the spacing between the piano staff for the left hand
and the violin staff.
I would like to increase the distance.
Off course, I could do it generally, but I would like to do it for just a
few measures.
I tried it by changing the minimun-Y-extent for tupletnumber and tuplet
bracket, but this didn't work.
Is there another way to get the desired output?
Thanks for Your help!
 %%%%%%%%%%%%% SNUPPET
\version "2.18.2"
% \include""
% definitions
re = { \change Staff = rechts }
li = { \change Staff = links }

rokt = #(define-music-function (parser location x) (ly:music?)
     #{ \re
    \context Voice <<        $x \transpose c c' { $x } >>
lokt = #(define-music-function (parser location x) (ly:music?)
     #{ \li
    \context Voice <<        $x \transpose c c, { $x } >>

rechts = { \ottava #2
 \tupletSpan 4 \tuplet 5/4 { \rokt h'''16 \lokt  as'''8 g'''  fis'''16
\rokt b''' \li a'''  \rokt as'''8
     \lokt  f'''16
       \rokt b'''4 \rokt h'''16 \li fis''' g''' \rokt b''' \li a''' }

links = {  \ottava #1 s1 }
Violin = { \ottava #1 h'''8( as'''8  g''' b''' a''' as''' f''' h''' )}
\score {
\new PianoStaff  = "Klavier"
        \new Staff= "rechts" { \rechts }
           \new Staff = "links" { \links} >>

\new Staff \Violin
%%%%%%%%%%%%% ENDE SNIPPET
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