Hey Ben,

When you're using markup as dynamics, don't you find that you're unable to
include those constructs in hairpins?

I went through a period where I was using straight-up text for dynamics
like you're mentioning. But the hairpin limitation moved me towards
make-dynamic-script. It's great. The other big benefit being that
indications that are made with make-dynamic-script align (vertically) with
all of Lily's other native dynamics.

I've wound up with house set of dynamic indications, too, like Andrew was


Have at them if you go the make-dynamic-script way.


On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 9:00 PM Ben <soundsfromso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8/19/2018 9:17 PM, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> This may be what you are thinking of. This way makes a proper dynamic, not
> just text markup.
> Andrew
> ====
> \version "2.19.82"
> fstrettoText = \markup {
>   \center-align \line {
>     \hspace #0.1 f \normal-text \italic stretto
>   }
> }
> fstretto = #(make-dynamic-script fstrettoText)
> {
>   c'4_\fstretto
> }
> Great piece of code Andrew. Thanks for that.
> The only reason I tend to use the alternative 'markup' approach is if I
> want to (need to) always have the entire expressive text centered as one
> unit with the *dynamic* under the notehead vs. half on each side.
> Much easier I find when I need to do that.
> (img)
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