Malte Meyn <> writes:

> Am 02.09.18 um 10:10 schrieb
>> Hi everyone,
>> i want to increase the current bar number by a fixed number of steps
>> at a certain point in my sheet music.
>> To do this, I modify  Score.currentBarNumber. My approach for
>> increasing the bar number by 4 steps would be:
>> \set Score.currentBarNumber = #(+ Score.currentBarNumber 4)
>> This does not work however, as GUILE says that currentBarNumber has
>> the value #<unspecified>. So I guess I do not access the
>> currentBarNumber variable in the right way.
>> But how do I access it in this context?
> You have to get the Score context somehow. This can be done by using
> \applyContext. I don’t know what context the procedure then is called
> with (maybe the current Bottom?)

The current "whatever".  Since you already had R1*3 descend to Bottom,
that would be Bottom.

But you can certainly write

\context Score \applyContext ...

or similar (possibly Timing instead of Score in polyrhythmic stuff).

David Kastrup

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