Op 05-09-18 om 15:40 schreef Simon Albrecht:
On 05.09.2018 11:15, Jogchum Reitsma wrote:
The first bar of part 5: Ecce gratum, from Orff's Camina Burana states a time of 4 \breve notes. In the Schott-edition I have, that is noted not on the staff, but above it.

PS. I’d like to just mention that Carl Orff’s music is under copyright worldwide and retypesetting his music is illegal.
Best, Simon
Hi Simon,

Thanks for your warning, but I'm not going to redistribute it in whatever form, it is pure for personal use, so I think there's no problem. As you yourself and others already stated in previous anwers to your remark.
But your attention is appreciated!

regrads, Jogchum

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