On 2018-09-11 1:07 pm, foxfanfare wrote:
Thanks David. But it is not as easy as it seems :) It is quite difficult to change all your habits, to learn everything again, even if I'm convinced
about the necessities to do so.

There are a number of cross-platform TeX-centric editors out there. (A quick web search turns up TeXmaker, TeXstudio, and TeXworks.) You can certainly start using one of them now and then you'll find it much easier to transition operating systems down the road. In fact, that is probably a good strategy for any application you are using that is not currently cross-platform. Seek out an alternative and start getting used to it now while you can still use your current setup.

(Side note: Bear in mind you can start playing around with Linux in a VM, such as VirtualBox, which gives you the chance to experience the "other side of life" while still having access to Windows at the same time.)

Another option to consider is one of the many extensible text editors out there, such as Atom and Sublime Text. My personal favorite is Visual Studio Code. All have extensions that support TeX, ranging from basic syntax coloring to interactive previewing. For Code, there is LaTeX Workshop, which seems to have earned a pretty decent user rating. I cannot, unfortunately, give any personal recommendation here, as I do not currently use TeX in my day-to-day workflow. But should you find yourself needing to work with other text-based file formats, it could be beneficial to look for a more general-purpose editor.

-- Aaron Hill

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