
You might try something like:

\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = \markup {\musicglyph #"timesig.C44" 
\lower #0.9 \bold \large "3"}
\time 3/2

Hope this jelps,

Le jeudi 13 septembre 2018 à 15:49 +0200, Cantus Ornatus a écrit :
> Hi everyone.
> Typesetting mensural music I often find double time signatures with a
> single digit like C 3, O 3, and so on. 
> Is it possible modifying the standard double time signature syntax in
> order to have such a layout (second page)?
> https://goo.gl/FBm2UL 
> Thanks in advance,
> F.
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