On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 08:36:05AM -0700, foxfanfare wrote:
> Yes, very much! I tried all your proposals and now everything works
> great, thanks!

Glad to help.

> I just need to find how I can make rallentando and the midi output
> will be "acceptable" for my needs!

Usually I just use "fake" \tempo markings for things like this. For

        % global is my catch-all for various stuff that should be
        % applied globally to every staff.
        global = {
                \tempo 4 = 100  % starting tempo

                s1*12           % nothing interesting for next 12 bars

                % Simulated rallentando
                % These are tagged so that they don't show up in the
                % printed score.
                \tag #'midi \tempo 4 = 90
                \tag #'midi \tempo 4 = 85
                \tag #'midi \tempo 4 = 80
                \tag #'midi \tempo 4 = 75
                \tag #'midi \tempo 4 = 70
                % ... etc., you can change s8 to any other duration
                % depending on how fine-grained you want it to be, and
                % repeat as often as desired to span the full length of
                % the rall.


        \score {
                \removeWithTag #'layout
                \midi {}

If you have a lot of rallentando's in your score, this quickly becomes
tedious, so you might want to consider writing a Scheme macro to
automatically do this for you. (If you need help with this, just ask and
one of the Scheme experts here will help. I'm only a beginner at Scheme
though I did manage to write a function that generates a bunch of midi
expression events to simulate crescendo/decresc on a single note, e.g.,
in a horn part. It's not perfect, but with a little push, Lilypond can
be coaxed to do quite a lot even with its limited midi support.)


I am not young enough to know everything. -- Oscar Wilde

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