Hi list,

I’m fiddling with lilypond-book and XeLaTeX for the first time and have a 
little problem with a fragment that I want to include. I have a little 
Lilypond file like this

\version "2.19.80"

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \clef treble
    \key c \major
    \time 12/8

% excerpt from Grieg Piano sonata op. 7
    \relative c'' {
% 16
      <c c'>4.->\ff <b b'>-> <ais ais'>-> <b b'>->\> | % note the decrescendo 

% 17
      s1.\! | % I had to add this measure to get the hairpin printed

Now the (newbie) question: how can I include this code in a LaTeX document 
(using \lilypondfile) without the last empty measure? I have tried clip-
regions in the \layout block with no success.

Thanks in advance
Francesco Napoleoni

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