Am 09.10.2018 um 22:40 schrieb Thomas Morley:

indicator =
#(define-event-function ()()
       \tweak X-offset 0.75
       -\markup \path #0.17 #'((moveto 0 0) (lineto 0 0.75))

\relative {
    \override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside
    \override TextScript.cross-staff = ##t

Huh, what is that?
I've found the description in the grob-interface reference but I don't really understand what it does here ...

    d''4 e8 [ ^\indicator ( e ] ^\indicator )
    d8 [ -. ( d ] -. )

On first sight it does exactly what I wanted it to do (see first attachment)

Not sure about the consequences, though.

The consequence is that the markup doesn't move to avoid collisions (see second attachment with lower notes). If I comment out the cross-staff tweak again the lines move with the note heads, but of course the order changes again.

Thank you for these thoughts and inspiration :-) But please don't investigate any further, it seems Aaron's suggestion is what I need.


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