Hi Jan-Peter,

I've just arrived back at my computer.

Am 15.10.2018 um 10:40 schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Hi Urs and all,

I created a branch 'addOptionHandling' for the edition-engraver. It
contains an option 'write-log', which is true by default, but can be set
to false to prevent writing of *.edition.log files.
I'd prefer default to true, but can change it if there are reasonable
votes against it.

One thing I wanted to ask for is having a consistent naming for such an option in any OLL package that may choose to write log files. But I'm totally OK with 'write-log' so that is already accepted.

I understand that the edition-engraver should by default write the log since that is often an essential tool to set up the addressing scheme of edition mods. For oll-core in general this looks different: there the logs are usually only interesting for debugging purposes if something goes wrong (actually I've never made use of that features so far).

What do you think: is it confusing if different OLL package provide the option to write log files but have different defaults?


I had another thought over the weekend that I'd like to present for discussion. What about unifying the log files and write all log entries to *one* log file to reduce cluttering of the output directory? In that case packages wouldn't have to deal with writing the files on their own but would defer that to the logging module in oll-core. A function would then at the end of the compilation process write the log file from entries passed to it along the way. It would write them to sections, similar to a config file.

What do you think? Is that worth the effort?


If someone could have a look and test it I can merge this change soon.


Am 14.10.2018 um 08:32 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 14. Oktober 2018 08:29:46 MESZ schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de>:
Hi Craig,

not right now, but I will implement a switch ASAP!

Please use the \setOption syntax for that.


Am 14. Oktober 2018 07:30:44 MESZ schrieb Craig Dabelstein
Hi all,

Quick question: Is it possible to stop the edition-engraver creating


*Craig Dabelstein*
Maxime's Music
*http://maximesmusic.com <http://maximesmusic.com>*

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