Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Although it needs further testing I already found a glitch I really
> can't explain or cope with: Sometimes, when the TextSpanner is
> attached to skip-events, ending them gets confused. It sometimes can
> be cured, if the skips are devided, i.e. s2 becomes s4 s4.
> So why????

Haven't analyzed this at all, basically just looked for "buzzwords"
related to your symptom:

>     (map-some-music
>       (lambda (mc)
>         (and (equal? mc last-rhythmic-ev)

> %% This returns:
> %% warning: cannot find start of text spanner
> \endTextSpanners
>   {
>      s2 -\startTextSpan
>      s2
>      s2
>   }

Here you had three basic events, all of them comparing as equal.

> %% This one works !!
> \endTextSpanners
>   {
>      s2 -\startTextSpan
>      s4 s
>      s2
>   }

Here only the first and last events compare as equal.

> %% This one as well
> \endTextSpanners
>   {
>      c'2 -\startTextSpan
>      d'2
>      e'2
>   }

Here none compare as equal.

So you should figure out what your comparison as equal is supposed to be
doing in the first place.  I have a hard time figuring out how such a
comparison matches your description and am too lazy to try.

David Kastrup

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