Am Mi., 14. Nov. 2018 um 10:28 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup <>:
> David Kastrup <> writes:
> > Davide Liessi <> writes:
> >
> >> Il giorno mer 14 nov 2018 alle ore 08:25 Keizen Li Qian
> >> <> ha scritto:
> >>> Parsing.../usr/share/lilypond/2.18.2/ly/
> >>> In procedure ly:music-transpose in expression (ly:music-transpose
> >>> (make-music # # ...) tonic):
> >>> /usr/share/lilypond/2.18.2/ly/ Wrong
> >>> type (expecting pair): major
> >>
> >> You probably wrote
> >> \key c major
> >> instead of
> >> \key c \major
> >
> > Well spotted.  The embarrassing thing is that we even get there: this
> > is something that should rather be caught earlier.  We have
> >
> > key =
> > #(define-music-function (tonic pitch-alist)
> >    ((ly:pitch? '()) (list? '()))
> > [...]
> >
> > and the word major qualifies as list? by getting converted to '(major)
> > which is a symbol list like needed for some override/tweak
> > specifications.
> >
> > So it very much looks like we should use a more specific predicate than
> > list? for the scale type in order to not have that user error pass down
> > in this manner.
> >
> > Suggestions?
> Well, I can bump that rather easily (using existing predicates) to
> error: wrong type for argument 2.  Expecting list of number 
> pairs, found "major"
>   \key c
>          major
> This is probably at best slightly less obscure to the beginner but at
> least flags the right place and element in the input.  To give a nicer
> message, one would need a specific predicate for scales.
> --
> David Kastrup
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list

I'm not convinced about below, but for the record:

One could give the key-function a string-argument, or probably a symbol
And react on the input, like

(case <input>
  (("major") major)
  (else (ly:error/warning "message"))

Obviously pseudo-code (I'm in a hurry), but I hope the proposal is made clear.
Also, would need a convert-rule.


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