Am 26.11.18 um 23:36 schrieb Abraham Lee:
Ok, everyone. I have finally gotten around to adding data about LilyPond. I felt pretty confident in the Notation and Engraving tabs, pretty solid marks there, but more uncertain about the Playback tab entries. I'm honestly not sure what they should be since many of the playback functionality is requisite on forming the content for playback rather than score output (i.e., using <>, restructuring repeats, etc.). Please feel free to look over my responses and let me know if you feel I've answered in error.
I think in that Google doc several things aren’t correct or unclear. But maybe some of these I just don’t know ;)

Notation comparison

„Metronome marks, lines“ (line 40 of the table) Is this something like tempo spanners?
→ probably should be „no“ or „yes (fake)“

„Repeats, quadruple bar“ (l. 53) I think this means something like
        \repeat percent 2 { b1 b b b }
→ should be „no“

„Ties, cross-staff“ (l. 69)
→ shouldn’t that be „no (fake: use slurs)“?

„Ties, laissez vibrer over barlines“ (l. 71) This implies that laissez vibrer ties can have a duration and a length depending on that. They don’t, their length doesn’t depend on rhythm and horizontal spacing.
→ should be „yes (needs manual length control)“ or similar

„Chord symbols, analysis“ (l. 104) Does this mean functional analysis? There are snippets that use lyrics and make heavy use of markup commands. But that’s not builtin and needs complicated input.
→ should be „yes (needs extra ‚plugin‘)“ or similar

„Notes, forked stems“ (l. 109)
→ should be „yes (fake: rotated stems or custom lines)“

Engraving comparison
„Measures, override width“ (l. 10) It’s not that easy. You can use \newSpacingSection and several spacing commands but you cannot say „make this measure 5cm wide“.
→ should be „yes, but …“

Playback comparison
„Output, instrument changes“ (l. 5)
        \override Staff.midiInstrument = "…"
→ should be „yes“

„Tempo, polytempo“ (l. 10) What’s that?

„Dynamics, gradual changes“ (l. 15) Shouldn’t that be „yes (fake: many immediate changes)“?

„Repeats, capo/segno/coda/fine“ (l. 45) These are input as markups, aren’t they? So I think this should be „yes (fake: copy music using variables)“ or similar.

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