Am Mo., 17. Dez. 2018 um 22:13 Uhr schrieb Reggie <>:
> Thomas Morley-2 wrote
> > Am Mo., 17. Dez. 2018 um 14:52 Uhr schrieb Reggie &lt;

> > Scale durations:
> >
> > \relative d {
> >   \clef bass
> >   \override Beam.grow-direction = #RIGHT
> >   \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 3/4)
> >     c16*4/3[ d e]
> >     c32*2*4/3[ d e]
> >     c64*4*4/3[ d e]
> >     c128*8*4/3[ d e] |
> >   \revert Beam.grow-direction
> >   cis1 |
> > }

> Harm can you show how you got the math I haven't a clue how you would have
> known how to do it. Can you show your math please for us thank you.

  \time 1/4
  b16*4 | % i.e. 1/16 lasts 1/4
  b16*4/3 b b | % b16*4 is 1/4, so b16*4/3 is a third of 1/4
  %% similar for 1/32,
  b32*2 %{is 1/16%} *4 |
  b32*2*4/3 b b |
  %% etc


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