Anyway: MWE is attached (with 6 different approaches) and the resulting PDF. I’d like something like staff 5. except with splits; staves 3., 4., and 6. all show slightly different attempts to get it, without success. Staves 1. and 2. show a naïve approach, which I think you’ll agree is too cluttered.
Staff 7. shows the output I’d like... but it required rewriting a line using <chords>. Given that all the lines are already defined as variables, and have discrete voices in the MIDI output, I’d really like to avoid that approach...
Suggestions?Happy Christmas to those who observe that holiday; warmth and light at the winter solstice to all the northerners; remember to use sunscreen to all the southerners.
Thanks in advance, Chris -- Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: > Emperor Norton had the right idea.
\version "2.18.2" descant = \relative c' { d4 | g g g | g2 } melody = \relative c' { g4 | c c g | c2 } altMelody = \relative c' { g4 | c c c | c2 } melSplit = \partcombine \melody \altMelody \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "1." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << \descant \\ \melody \\ \altMelody >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << { \new Voice \voiceOne \descant } { \new Voice \voiceThree \melody } { \new Voice \voiceTwo \altMelody } >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "3." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << \descant \\ { \partcombine \melody \altMelody } >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "4." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << { \new Voice \voiceOne \descant } { \new Voice \voiceTwo \partcombine \melody \altMelody } >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "5." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << \descant \\ \melody >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "6." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << \descant \\ \melSplit >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "7." } << \clef "treble_8" \key c \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 << \descant \\ { \relative c' { g4 | c c <g c> | c2 } } >> >>
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