On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 08:00:31AM -0600, Guy Stalnaker wrote:
> And the answer is, "No, I can't incorporate into the larger score."
> Follow-up question then: can this type of Dynamics directive be applied in
> a temporary polyphonic passage? Because that's what I'm trying to do. Final
> four measures split into two voices, explicitly created:
> <<
> \new Voice = "Solo" { \voiceOne } \new Voice = "sopranoOoos" { \voiceTwo }
> >>
> If I put \new Dynamics {} before or after either of these two \new Voice
> inside the polyphonic code LP puts the dynamics beneath the entire 4-stave
> score. If I add \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos } LP puts the
> dynamics exactly as originally, immediately above the staff, but below the
> lyrics, so nothing gained by the added code.

Hi Guy,

My idea would be to have the Dynamics context from the beginning of
your score, and skip over the first chunk:

%%% code begin
\score {
    \new Dynamics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing 
= #'((padding . 1)) } {
      % Instead of "1" here, you would enter the number of bars you
      % need to skip (ie, the number of bars before this divisi).
      \repeat unfold 1 { s1 | } s2.
      a'4^\mf^\dim ^"Solo, Remaining voices Ooos" \bar "||"
      a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' |
      g'2 f'\p |
    \new Staff = "sopranos" <<
      \new Voice = "Soprano" {
        c''4 a' g' f' | e'2.
        << \new Voice = "Solo"
           { \voiceOne
               \partial 4 a'4 \bar "||"
               a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' |
               g'2 f' |
           \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto 
"Solo" {
             Yet what I can I give Him,
           \new Voice = "sopranoOoos"
           { \voiceTwo
               \partial 4 f'4( ~ |
               f'4. g'8 a'4 f' |
               f'2 d') |
           \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranoOoos" { Ooo }
        >> \bar "|."
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" \lyricmode { I would do my part; }
  \layout { }
%%%% code end

I haven't really tested this but I don't believe it will add any
vertical space in other systems where there are no dynamic markings
in that context (except for maybe the bit of padding, which is a
very small amount, and could even be reduced to 0.5).


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