Am Sa., 12. Jan. 2019 um 20:44 Uhr schrieb Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Harm,
> > You could go for:
> >
> > #(define-markup-command (bookpart-page-number layout props) ()
> >    (let ((first-page-number (ly:output-def-lookup layout 
> > 'first-page-number))
> >          (page-number (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props 0)))
> >      (interpret-markup layout props
> >        (number-format
> >          (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'page-number-type)
> >          (1+ (- page-number first-page-number))))))
> Thanks! I’ll study your solution as part of my Scheme education.  =)

Not much scheme here...
You need to know LilyPond's 'number-format'-procedure exists at all.
And how to get 'page-number-type, but that's a minor problem (some as
for 'first-page-number).

> > Though, what about the table-of-content?
> > Right now I've not a good idea what should be printed if several
> > bookparts have equal page-numbers.
> That’s almost more of an editorial choice than a technical one, no? If for 
> some reason I want the score for my Opera In Three Acts to have per-act page 
> numbers, then I will end up with a TOC that looks something like
>   Act One
>     Aria 1      I-1
>     Aria 2      I-22
> Act Two
>    Aria 3      II-1
>    Aria 4      II-9
> etc.
> The Dover reprints of Bach works often include per-sub-collection numbering 
> alongside the main page numbering, e.g.
>     1 [1], 2 [2], … 25 [25], 26 [1], 27 [2], … 124 [99], 125 [1], 126 [2], …
> In musical theatre scores, it’s also useful to have double numbering (e.g.,
>     page-number-within-entire-score [page-number-within-this-song]

Well, I'll think about the problem...


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