You wrote:
> The easiest way is probably:
Thank you! Though the gamma thing doesn't really work in my case (I'm 
using Lilypond under org-babel ;-) ) but I did find a nice solution (it 
was in another section of documentation I hadn't gotten to.. doh!  The 
relevant section now looks lie\ke:

---< cut >---
Gamma = \markup { \char ##x0393 }
chant = \relative c { \clef bass g1 a b c d e }
verba = \lyricmode { \Gamma A B C D E }
verbb = \lyricmode { 
           \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 
           ut re mi fa sol la }
---< cut >---

and it comes out just the way I am after!

Thanks again.

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