Am Mi., 16. Jan. 2019 um 03:37 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
> I often need use a tenuoto with a parenthesised accent, but I only just 
> figured out how to achieve that. Now ti would be convenient have a function 
> of some sort as a shorthand.
> Is this the right way to do it that I came up with? I feel a bit 
> uncomfortable about the <>, and maybe this should be some sort of post event, 
> like articulations themselves?
> %======
> \version "2.19.82"
> artic = { <> ^- -\parenthesize ^> }
> {
>   \artic c'' d'' \artic e''
> }
> %======
> Andrew

Hi Andrew,

why not:

artic = ^--\parenthesize ^>
   c''\artic d'' e''\artic


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