From: "N. Andrew Walsh" <>
Date: Monday, January 21, 2019 at 8:30 AM
To: lilypond-user <>
Subject: Re: setting one book to landscape

There's one other matter here with this score: In the console output, I see 

Drawing systems. . .
warning: compressing over-full page by 24.5 staff-spaces
warning: page 1 has been compressed

So how can I figure out why it's compressing the page? I don't see any \paper 
block besides these I've listed that specify a size for the page, so I don't 
know where it could be. Is there some special procedure for making 
landscape-format scores?

All this means is that the best page layout it could find with your systems was 
24.5 staff spaces too tall for the page, so it squeezed things a little closer 
than you’d like.

I don’t consider this warning to be a problem at all, as long as the visual 
representation of the music is OK in your opinion.


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