On 2019-01-21 3:30 pm, Reggie wrote:
Karlin High wrote
On 1/21/2019 5:02 PM, Reggie wrote:
I literally want just move up the TITLE and not touch anything
Could you attach an image or PDF showing the form of your current
layout? I'm curious about what is currently above the title.
You confuse me. Nothing is above my title. I have a normal Piece of
music. I
would like to have my title move UP vertically only but not move my
at all. The top system and beyond is just fine.
His raise markup answer does not do that sorry but it's wrong. It moves
music as well somehow. Why can't you just show me in the manual where
teaches us how to move title TEXT only up or down? No commands I found
exactly that. You?
The "somehow" you wrote above indicates that you have not yet learned
how LilyPond handles objects and layout. There should be no mystery as
to why raising a markup adjusts things the way it does.
Raising a bit of text in markup only moves it "upwards" relative to the
other elements within the markup. However, this changes the overall
vertical height of the entire markup. As such, LilyPond must
accommodate the extra height. This forces the rest of music further
down the page.
Why not shift the markup upwards? Well, there could be things there
already. And by things, I might mean the top of the paper.
If you really wanted \raise to shift an item without changing the
height, consider the following hack:
\version "2.19.82"
#(define-markup-command (faux-raise layout props amount arg) (number?
(let* ((sten (interpret-markup layout props arg))
(xex (ly:stencil-extent sten X))
(yex (ly:stencil-extent sten Y)))
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:with-dimensions xex yex (#:raise amount arg)))))
\markup { Some \faux-raise #1 "\faux-raised" "text" }
\markup { Some \raise #1 "\raised" "text" }
\markup { Some \raise #1 "\raised" "text" }
\markup { Some \faux-raise #1 "\faux-raised" "text" }
Before you go off and actually use this hack, be sure you have
acknowledged the major drawbacks. The first line clips the bounds of
the image and the last line overlaps the third. This markup command
works because it lies to LilyPond about the actual extents of the raised
markup. As such, LilyPond has no way to avoid clipped or overlapping
A side commentary, if you would not mind. You have posted a few times
asking for features that seem to show a focus on WYSIWYG-style
activities. You are probably used to using tools that let you click and
drag items around on a virtual paper, placing things wherever you see
fit. This is very un-LilyPond, which is almost certainly why you are
experiencing frustration. To use LilyPond is to learn and adopt a new
way of thinking about music engraving.
Arbitrary positioning of items is not something typically done in
LilyPond, although there are some ways to facilitate the task. Since
this is not the "normal" (as LilyPond defines it) way of doing things,
it must be expected that you as the user will have to do the lifting,
however heavy it may be.
My point here is that you may stand your best chance at success by
taking a step back from the work you are doing and reconsider your
approach. If I looked at my music and said, "I think the title is too
far down on the paper", my experience tells me that the solution is to
change the spacing between the top of the paper and the header block.
The \paper block has top-margin and top-markup-spacing to adjust for
-- Aaron Hill
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