Hi Ben,

Yes this is the code in the list archives that I was referring to in my
initial mail. My question was actually not so much how to achieve this, but
whether a technique for this has been incorporated into lilypond more
recently, similar to how hairpins can now be adjusted with the shorten-pair
technique common to other objects.

The problem I have with this code is that, finding that it works, I altered
it to allow scaling in the vertical axis as well, but that is highly
unsatisfactory as the line width gets scaled as well - perhaps why the code
omitted that feature to begin with.

Espressivo marks are just hairpin-like objects, and I suppose I can just
revert to using hairpins, but it's a bit annoying as you have to make a
separate voice for the hairpins to start and finish on non-existent notes.

This is one of those lilypond things where you give a person an inch and
they want a mile!


On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 11:59, Ben <soundsfromso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1/22/2019 7:45 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> What is the current best practice for scaling espressivo indicators,
> making them longer?
> There's a scale function in the archives from Harm, but I wonder if there
> is a mechanism built in to 2.19.82 and so on?
> Andrew
> Hi Andrew,
> I had asked that question a while back on the mailing list in 2013, and
> I've still been using this - it's worked fine so far - fwiw.
> Not sure if another approach exists but so far so good here :)
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Help-with-espressivo-adjustments-td144373.html
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \language "english"
> #(define ((longer-script x) grob)
>    (let* ((stil (ly:script-interface::print grob)))
>      (ly:stencil-scale stil x 1)))
> scaleEspr =
> #(define-event-function (parser location x-val)(number?)
>    #{
>      \tweak #'stencil #(longer-script x-val)
>      \espressivo
>    #})
> \relative c'' {
>   c4 e f\scaleEspr #1.1 g |
>   f_\scaleEspr #2 f_\scaleEspr #2
>   f_\scaleEspr #2
>   f_\scaleEspr #2
>   f\scaleEspr #2 f\scaleEspr #2 e\espressivo e\espressivo e\espressivo
> }
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