David Wright wrote
> What PDF? Please show the actual commands you used.
> You need to start the server *before* you try to connect to it with a
> client:
> $ vim --servername foo
> and then, at a different location, type:
> $ vim --servername foo --remote test.ly
> and that should open test.ly in the server (at the original location).
> Cheers,
> David.

OK I succeed to open the file in the servername foo with your indication. I
didn't understood that I had to keep the vim server opened somewhere and
launch the file in another terminal then. I checked that my swap directory
was empty before launching test.ly in servermode. I also checked with :echo
v:servername and it returns the name FOO. So I guess I'm good to go, but
when I launch the PDF with F6, click on a link, then again, vim react with:

1. first:
  lilypond-invoke-editor (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.82 Processing "
  Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal

2. then it suddently shows the swap error prompt E325 because the swap file
already exists.

About the PDF command, I use F6. I found in
/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/lilypond.vim that some shortcuts were
mapped. I just changed F6 (default ghostview) with:
  map <buffer> <F6> :!zathura "%<.pdf" &<Return>

And again, what is strange is that I have to launch zathura through vim if I
want it to react to the link. If I launch the PDF alone in Zathura and click
on the link, for instance textedit:///home/remy/Documents/test/test.ly:5:4:5
goes directly to the browser. Maybe zathura isn't configured properly and
should add xdg-open before the link?

Federico Bruni-2 wrote
> You gave confusing information. You said that it worked, then it didn't 
> work and now that it worked :-)
> I  tried to stress that you need to split the configuration in two 
> parts. The first part is telling the system that textedit:// URIs 
> should be handled by lilypond-invoke-editor.desktop. This part is 
> working well.
> What is not working yet is the vim command defined in LYEDITOR variable.
> Try following David's suggestions about vim server mode.

I know I gave confusing information! That's the reason I tried the same
things with and without installing lilypond-invoke-editor.desktop to be sure
on how interpreting the fact that it still didn't work properly. BTW I'm a
bit surprised, has nobody yet tried to make vim a good environment for LP
and set-up this P&C thing?

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