Hi Valentin,
thank you for sharing your lilypond wisdom.
I have learned a lot already :).
(\denies "Voice" had not removed the note heads)

For my problem to switch from up and down setting the chord names
I will stick to Arons solution in this fashion:

chordsUp = { \override ChordName.extra-offset = #'(0 . 3) }
chordsDown = { \override ChordName.extra-offset = #'(0 . -1) }
  \new ChordNames \with {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing =
      #'((basic-distance . 0)(minimum-distance . 0)(padding . -10))
  \chordmode {
    c1 | \chordsDown dis1:m |
    ees1/g \chordsUp
  { s2-"Text" a' | s1^"Text" | e'''4 e'''4_"Text" c'2 | a'1}
Greetings and thank you a lot,

Am 07.02.2019 um 15:42 schrieb Valentin Villenave:
On 2/7/19, Robert Hennig <rob...@peroche.de> wrote:
The second Solution from Valentin looks like what I would prefer but
it prints the chord notes too, which is not was I'm looking for (only
Chord Names).

Huh. Have you added
\denies "Voice"
like I did? It should prevent any notes (or rests) from being printed.

Alternatively, if you want to mix in musical symbols, you could do

\new Staff \with {
   \consists Chord_name_engraver
   noChordSymbol = ""
} \new Voice \with {
   \remove Note_heads_engraver
   \remove Ledger_line_engraver
   \remove Stem_engraver
   \remove Dots_engraver
   \remove Accidental_engraver
   \remove Beam_engraver
   \remove Tie_engraver
} \chordmode {
   c1\f r4 d:m\p\< e:m \notemode {<>_>} f\!


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