Hi Malte,

> IMHO systems-per-page should be ignored on the last page if (and only if) 
> ragged-last-bottom is set to ##t


> systems-per-page also doesn’t work well with large headers or other markups. 
> One might want less systems on the first page in this case too

The way Lilypond treats the title block almost like another system is 
unfortunate. I really wish we had controls like systems-on-first-page and 
systems-on-last-page, separate from systems-per-page. I also wish we had better 
measure-locking and -casting capabilities (e.g., “spread the first 70 measures 
across exactly 12 systems; put the next 24 measures across no fewer than 6 but 
no more than 9 systems; Lily’s choice for the next 32 measures”, etc.).

That being said (asked?), Lily’s layout algorithms and flexibility are pretty 
amazing, so I try not to whinge too much or too often…


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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