Hi Ben, 

to be a little more precise: 

The lilypond-book-preamble should never be used with svg format. It only
works with the png (or eps) format. 

OLy needs one file named OOoLilyPond.svg.

The first point of the error window gives some hints. 
Your settings defining the score size (e.g. given in "Line Width" and
"Custom 2" - depending on your template) should provide enough space to fit
your music into one page. 
If not, LilyPond will split it up into multiple images. In that case, the
"Ly Output" window will talk about successful compilation and at least two


If your code contains something like "page-count = 1" (e.g. the "Piano
[SVG]" template does), no image at all will be created. Then the output
window will report successful compiling but also errors like 
     number of pages is out of bounds
     tried to space systems on a bad number of pages

In both cases, try to provide more space in the OLy settings. 

Does that help?


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