On 2019-02-17 2:38 pm, Pedro Pessoa wrote:
Is there a known way of using partcombine with drums?
I'm not familiar with it, but I tried to do it as in the notation reference. I found nothing about this limitation in neither manuals, mailing archive or

%% Snippet Begin
\version "2.19.82"

drumA = \drummode { sn8 8 8 8 }
drumB = \drummode { bd8 8 8 8 }
drumAB=\drummode {<bd sn>8 q q q}
melA = \relative c''{ d8 8 8 8 }
melB = \relative c''{ g8 8 8 8 }

  % Doesn't work.
  \new DrumStaff \partcombine \drumA \drumB

  % Should output (created manually):
  \new DrumStaff \drumAB

  % Regular music works under similar conditions:
  \new Staff \partcombine \melA \melB

\drummode creates NoteEvents with a 'drum-type instead of 'pitch, and \partCombine expects pitches.

An alternate way to achieve what you want is to use this construction:

    \new DrumStaff \new DrumVoice << \drumA \drumB >>

It is not the same thing as \partCombine, but I suspect it makes more sense for drum parts.

-- Aaron Hill

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