Hi all,

Is there a "better" way to change the CueVoice font family / kerning other than manually via markup? I thought it would be a sort of:

\context {
     \override .......

...but I haven't found a way to adjust the kerning and/or font family. Have I missed something?

I don't use a lot of cues, but in an upcoming project there will be a lot more so I was curious moving forward.

Thanks for any guidance on this!

I've attached an image showing the "fl" looking a bit squished to my eyes. :)

=== this is what I've been using for a while now, which works just fine manually ===

  c4 r4 r2 \compressFullBarRests R1*12

  \new CueVoice {c8^\markup *{ \override #'(font-name . "Minion Pro") "fl." }*[ d e g]  }


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