On Sat 23 Feb 2019 at 20:11:06 (+1100), Andrew Bernard wrote:
> Current progress. Perhaps I have hit a bug on Debian 9, hence the bonkers
> inducing behaviour. Using EDITOR has no effect. But if I set LYEDITOR to
> use gvim, it nearly works. This makes no sense to me.
> Here's what I have for LYEDITOR, based on the NR:
> export LYEDITOR='gvim --remote +:%(line)s:norm%(column)s % (file)s'

Here, it doesn't make any difference whether EDITOR or LYEDITOR is set
to gvim. But I don't use a DE or DM, only startx and fvwm. You could try

$ EDITOR=gvim¹ <viewer> <PDF file>

as that puts it about as close to the action as you can get.

> This invokes gvim, but with a hard to understand error

My question would be: is it an error? It looks more like a command
that's looking about the place. But I'm not conversant with vim's

> :if !exists('+acd')||!&acd|if haslocaldir()|cd -|lcd -|elseif getcwd() ==#
> '/hom
> ::1:norm3|cal foreground()|if &im|star|en|redr|f
> [One has to admit that is slightly cryptic.]

:if !exists('+acd')||!&acd|if haslocaldir()|cd -|lcd -|elseif
getcwd() ==# '/home/david'|cd -|endif|::154:norm3|cal
foreground()|if &im|star|en|redr|f
Press ENTER or type command to continue

It would appear that your version is clipped (/hom doesn't look right)
and the last line is missing. When I press ENTER as instructed, the
window is refreshed and the cursor is placed correctly.

> Now I have never used gvim before today, so perhaps the servermorde has to
> be configured somehow?

$ gvim --servername GVIM
$ vim --servername GVIM

according to taste. (The latter runs in the xterm itself.) I've never
bothered to change GVIM as foxfanfare has done.

> Would anybody agree the ignoring of EDITOR is a bug?

All bets are off with DEs as far as I'm concerned. AIUI there's no one
place where you can set an environment variable and have it picked up
under all circumstances. Hence that fact that it's normal to make
.bash_profile source .bashrc, for example.

¹ "gvim" appears necessary here. Which version of vim/gvim you run
is determined when you start the server, not here. If I write vim
instead, I can provoke foxfanfare's "Input is not from a teminal"
message, and an instance of vim tries to run in the xterm that started
the viewer. When I quit the viewer, I have to type "reset" blind
in order to get the xterm to work again.


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