On 2019-03-02 7:25 am, Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2019-03-02 7:17 am, nagymusic wrote:
Does anyone know how to create Ped. al fine marking in which Ped. is a
default sustain symbol and al fine is typeset in the regular italic font?

\version "2.19.82"
\markup { \musicglyph "pedal.Ped" \italic "al fine" }

Used in the context of \sustainOn:

\version "2.19.82"
pedAlFine = \markup {
  \concat { \musicglyph "pedal.Ped" \musicglyph "pedal.." }
  \italic "al fine" }
#(define (pedAlFineStencil grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob pedAlFine))
{ b'4 -\tweak stencil #pedAlFineStencil \sustainOn 4 4 4 }

(I also forgot the '.' of "Ped." in the original snippet.)

-- Aaron Hill

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