Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


Using this hypothetical construct:

\extendTies { c16~ e~ g~ } <c e g bes>4

It would be nice if the block that contains the notes the ties of which should be extended, were to be able to arbitrarily contain any of the following in addition to regular notes as shown in the example above (because all of the following can potentially appear in piano scores in examples of extended/deferred ties):

* grace notes
* tuples (triplets, etc.)
* chords

In current CVS, we have

\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\grace { c16[~ e~ g]~ } <c, e g>4

By toggling tieWaitForNote where necessary, you can get any of the
things you need.

If there is sufficient interest, I will do a backport to 2.4, once
this code has been tested & ok'd.

--- --- ---

Thank you very much Han-Wen. That looks great.

-Steve D

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