Please always tell what LilyPond version you are using when you send
a question to the mailing list.
There has been some recent discussions about bugs and limitations
in abc2ly on the mailing list, check the mailing list archives
for lilypond-devel and bug-lilypond.


Chuck Boody wrote:
Well, I said I wasn't any great shakes at lilypond :->

I can invoke abc2ly and the result is a file I can see has been changed to what I believe is lilypond syntax. Clearly however this file needs proper header information and other things to allow lilypond to process it. If I try to process the file I get "warning:Needs music in a score."

Could someone point me to the right spot in the documentation to discover what I need to do or perhaps provide a shell that I could use as a starting point?

Many Thanks,

Chuck Boody

lilypond-user mailing list

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