Am Sa., 13. Apr. 2019 um 11:16 Uhr schrieb Gianmaria Lari
> I don't understand the following behaviour:
> \version "2.18.2"
> \tagGroup #'(testOne testTwo)
> music = {
>   \tag #'testOne b
>   \tag #'testTwo b^"M "
> }
> \keepWithTag #'testOne {\music~\music}
> \keepWithTag #'testTwo {\music~\music}
> I would expect this would generate two pretty similar scores: the first
> b~b
> and the second
> b^M~b^M
> (so both with a tie)
> but instead it generates:
> b b    (no tie!!)
> and
> b^M~b^M
>  Where is the error?
> * *
> I noticed that if i invert the tag order
> music = {
>   \tag #'testTwo b^"M"
>   \tag #'testOne b
> }
> now the output is:
> b~b
> and
> b^M b^M (no tie!)
> Any help?
> Thank you, g.

Hi Gianmaria,

this is surely not 2.18.2-code ;)
With 2.21.0 the construct
\music ~ \music
will add the Tie to the last event of first \music, if suitable. But
this last element is removed by \keepWithTag #'testOne, thus no Tie.

The following would work, although I guess it's not what you want:

{ \keepWithTag #'testOne \music ~ \keepWithTag #'testOne \music }


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