Sandro> I'm producing lead sheets with lyrics, melody and chords
Sandro> and would like to extract from them som blank sheets with
Sandro> just lyrics and chords so that players can take their notes
Sandro>  (for solos or arrangements).

You could always just put an empty stave in parallel with the one
with the tune on it.


\version "2.19.0"

global = {
  \time 3/4
  \key es \major
  \repeat unfold 4 {
    s2. |
  \bar "|."

words=\lyricmode {
  All things shall per -- ish from un -- der the sky.

tune = \relative c'' {
  as4 as as |
  g4. as8 bes4 |
  bes, c d |

\score {
    \new Staff << \global >>
    \new Staff <<
      \context Voice = tune { \tune }
     \lyricsto tune { \context Lyrics \words }

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